Staff and Students

Elizabeth Linos
Elizabeth Linos

Elizabeth Linos

Faculty Director

Elizabeth Linos

Faculty Director

Karalyn Lacey

Karalyn Lacey

Executive Director

Karalyn Lacey

Executive Director

Jessica Lasky-Fink

Jessica Lasky-Fink

Research Director

Jessica Lasky-Fink

Research Director

Jared Aimone

Jared Aimone

Undergraduate Research Fellow

Jared Aimone

Undergraduate Research Fellow

Nadia Bell

Nadia Bell

PhD Student

Nadia Bell

PhD Student

Karl-Emil Bendtsed

Karl-Emil Bendtsed

Visiting Fellow

Karl-Emil Bendtsed

Visiting Fellow

Yuki Chen

Yuki Chen

Undergraduate Research Fellow

Yuki Chen

Undergraduate Research Fellow

Audrey Feldman

Audrey Feldman

PhD Student

Audrey Feldman

PhD Student

Woojin Kim
woojin kim

Woojin Kim

Research Fellow

Woojin Kim

Research Fellow

Stella Kwon

Stella Kwon

Undergraduate Research Fellow

Stella Kwon

Undergraduate Research Fellow

Amy Liu
Amy Liu Staff Headshot

Amy Liu

Undergraduate Research Fellow

Amy Liu

Undergraduate Research Fellow

Giovanny Martinez Rodriguez

Giovanny Martinez Rodriguez

Undergraduate Research Fellow

Giovanny Martinez Rodriguez

Undergraduate Research Fellow

Caroline Meserve

Caroline Meserve

Senior Executive Assistant and Faculty Program Manager

Caroline Meserve

Senior Executive Assistant and Faculty Program Manager

Noelia S. Negri

Noelia S. Negri

Assistant Director of Operations

Noelia S. Negri

Assistant Director of Operations

Ellison Richardson

Ellison Richardson

Undergraduate Research Fellow

Ellison Richardson

Undergraduate Research Fellow

Brenda Sciepura
Brenda sciepura

Brenda Sciepura

Research Fellow

Brenda Sciepura

Research Fellow

Max Spohn

Max Spohn

Research Fellow

Max Spohn

Research Fellow

Alec Wall

Alec Wall

Research Associate

Alec Wall

Research Associate

Heidi Wallace

Heidi Wallace

Senior Research Associate

Heidi Wallace

Senior Research Associate

Affiliated Scholars

Stefano DellaVigna
stefano dellavigna

Stefano DellaVigna

Distinguished Professor of Economics and Professor of Business Administration, UC Berkeley

Stefano DellaVigna

Distinguished Professor of Economics and Professor of Business Administration, UC Berkeley

Dawn Graham

Dawn Graham

Data Scientist, Boston University

Dawn Graham

Data Scientist, Boston University

Jessie Harney
Jessie Harney

Jessie Harney

Assistant Professor, Colorado State University

Jessie Harney

Assistant Professor, Colorado State University

Alice Heath
Anna Heath

Alice Heath

U.S. Department of the Treasury

Alice Heath

U.S. Department of the Treasury

Christian B. Jacobsen

Christian B. Jacobsen

Professor, Crown Prince Frederik Center for Public Leadership, Aarhus University

Christian B. Jacobsen

Professor, Crown Prince Frederik Center for Public Leadership, Aarhus University

Florian Keppeler
Florian Keppeler headshot

Florian Keppeler

Assistant Professor, Aarhus University

Florian Keppeler

Assistant Professor, Aarhus University

Hannah McKinney

Hannah McKinney

Project Director of the People, Organizations, and Power Lab at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business

Hannah McKinney

Project Director of the People, Organizations, and Power Lab at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business

Sanaz Mobasseri

Sanaz Mobasseri

Assistant Professor, Boston University

Sanaz Mobasseri

Assistant Professor, Boston University

Nicole Perales

Nicole Perales

Economist, U.S. Census

Nicole Perales

Economist, U.S. Census

Jesse Rothstein

Jesse Rothstein

Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy and Economics, UC Berkeley

Jesse Rothstein

Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy and Economics, UC Berkeley

The People Lab Alumni

Joaquín Carbonell

Section Chief – Exploratory Analysis and Research, California Department of Social Services

Sara Castro

Financial Analyst, J.P. Morgan

Dawn Chinagorom-Abiakalam

Research Associate, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Sean Darling-Hammond

Assistant Professor, UCLA

Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman

Ph.D. Student, Harvard Kennedy School

Sam Glaser-Nolan

Associate Advisor, Behavioral Insights Team

Ryan Hall

Research Associate, Possibility Lab at UC Berkeley

Julian Hayes

PhD student, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Helen Ho

Research and Evaluation Manager, Chinese Affirmative Action

Stephanie Hom

Director of Operations, Possibility Lab at UC Berkeley

Tanu Jain

Undergraduate, UC Berkeley

Amy Lerman

Michelle J. Schwartz Professor of Public Policy and Political Science, UC Berkeley

Yiping Li

Master of Public Affairs Graduate Student, Princeton University

Mark Lipkin

Budget and Policy Analyst, County of Marin

Jeremy Margolis

Reporter, Concord Monitor

Rohit Naimpally

Director of Innovation, Possibility Lab at UC Berkeley

Liliane Nienstedt

PhD Student Education Policy, Vanderbilt University

Sethu Odayappan

Pre-Doctoral Research Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Perfecta Oxholm

PhD Candidate, Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley

Lisa Quan

Senior Management Analyst, Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara

Nefara Riesch

PhD Student Department of Sociology & Social Policy, Harvard University

Krista Ruffini

Assistant Professor, Georgetown University

Daniela San Roman

Deputy Director of Finance and Analytics, Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services

Max Saenz

Predoctoral Research Fellow, Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia University

Audrey Sayer

Communications and Lab Assistant, Possibility Lab at UC Berkeley

Jessica Spero Li

Senior Behavioral Designer, ideas42

Dahlia Tarver

Undergraduate Research Assistant for the Uplift Study at Spelman College

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