Florian Keppeler
Assistant Professor, Aarhus University
Florian Keppeler is an assistant professor at the King Frederik Center for Public Leadership at the Department of Political Science at Aarhus University (Denmark). His research focuses broadly on public administration, policy, and human resource management in the public sector. He is particularly interested in understanding the recruitment, selection, and retention as well as motivation and remuneration of public employees. Further, he studies the implementation of digital tools such as artificial intelligence in public sector organizations. In addition, he is interested in field experiments and behavioral research in public policy and administration. His research has been published in various academic journals including the Journal for Public Administration Research and Theory, Public Administration Review, Public Management Review, Behavioural Public Policy, and others. It has also been cited in official documents (e.g., Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, OECD, World Bank) and highlighted in both German and Danish media outlets including German prime time TV news (e.g., ARD, ZDF) and national newspapers (e.g., Sueddeutsche, Zeit, Jyllands-Posten). He was part of the founding teams of two non-profit public entrepreneurship start-ups and served as a public leader in a German municipality.